Source code for spycone.visualize

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from functools import reduce
import os
import pickle

from ._clustering.clusterobj import clusterObj
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

[docs]def vis_all_clusters(clusterObj, x_label="time points", y_label="expression", Titles = "Cluster {col_name}", xtickslabels=None, **kwargs): """ Visualize all the clusters with cluster prototype Parameters ----------- clusterObj input clustering object with results x_label x-axis label of the plot y_label y-axis label of the plot Titles :"Cluster {col_name}" titles for each cluster """ if clusterObj.input_type =="expression": alltimeseries = np.array(clusterObj.DataSet.timeserieslist, dtype="double") tp = clusterObj.DataSet.timepts else: try: alltimeseries = np.array(clusterObj.DataSet.tiu_timeserieslist, dtype="double") tp = clusterObj.DataSet.tiu_timepts except ValueError: print("Please run iso.total_isoform_usage() to calculate total isoform usage before clustering.") median_allts = np.median(alltimeseries, axis=0) if clusterObj.transform: transfunc = clusterObj.TRANSFORMATION[clusterObj.transform] median_allts = transfunc(median_allts) #if value returns infinite , set it as 0 median_allts[~np.isfinite(median_allts)]=0 ##faster probably reorder = [] clusters = [] for cluster, cluster_obj in clusterObj.index_clusters.items(): for v in cluster_obj: reorder.append(v) clusters.append(cluster) precluster_tsarray = pd.DataFrame(median_allts) precluster_tsarray.columns = ["tp{}".format(x) for x in range(tp)] cluster_tsarray = precluster_tsarray.iloc[reorder,:].reset_index(drop=True) clusters_sns = pd.concat([pd.Series(clusters,name="clusters"),cluster_tsarray], axis=1) clusters_sns = pd.melt(clusters_sns, id_vars="clusters",value_vars=cluster_tsarray.columns, value_name="expression",var_name="timepoints", ignore_index=False) clusters_sns['gene'] = clusters_sns.index clusters_sns = clusters_sns.reset_index() #for prototype cluster_pro = pd.DataFrame(np.array(list(clusterObj._prototype.values()))) cluster_pro.columns = ["tp{}".format(x) for x in range(tp)] cluster_pro['clusters'] = list(clusterObj.symbs_clusters.keys()) cluster_pro = pd.melt(cluster_pro, id_vars='clusters', value_vars=cluster_pro.columns.to_list()[:-1], value_name="expression", var_name="timepoints") # allsns = pd.concat(cluster_sns_list) # sns.relplot(x="timepoints", y="expression",kind="line", hue="cluster", col="cluster",col_wrap=5, height=3, aspect=.75, linewidth=2.5, palette= "Set2", data=allsns) grey = ['lightgray'] * len(clusterObj.genelist_clusters.keys()) g = sns.relplot(data=clusters_sns, x="timepoints", y="expression", col="clusters", hue="clusters", units="gene", kind="line", height=3, aspect=.75,estimator=None, linewidth=1, palette=grey, legend=False, **kwargs) g.set_axis_labels(x_label, y_label, fontsize=13) g.set_titles(Titles) if xtickslabels: g.set_xticklabels(labels=xtickslabels,rotation=90, ha="right", fontsize=8) ##plot prototypes #g = sns.relplot(data=cluster_pro, x="timepoints", y="expression", kind="line", col="clusters",hue="clusters",col_wrap=3, height=3, aspect=.75, linewidth=4, palette="Set2") pal = sns.color_palette("dark", len(clusterObj.genelist_clusters.keys())) i=0 for x,ax in g.axes_dict.items(): subdata = cluster_pro[cluster_pro['clusters']==x] sns.lineplot(data=subdata, x="timepoints", y="expression", linewidth=4, color=pal[i], ax=ax, legend=False) i+=1
def vis_cluster(clusterObj, cluster): alltimeseries = np.array(clusterObj.DataSet.timeserieslist, dtype="double") mean_allts = np.mean(alltimeseries, axis=0) cluster_obj = clusterObj.index_clusters[cluster] cluster_tsarray = pd.DataFrame(mean_allts[cluster_obj,:]) cluster_tsarray.columns = ["tp{}".format(x) for x in range(clusterObj.DataSet.timepts)] cluster_sns = pd.melt(cluster_tsarray, value_vars=cluster_tsarray.columns, value_name="expression", var_name="timepoints") cluster_sns['cluster'] = "Cluster {}".format(cluster) sns.relplot(x="timepoints", y="expression",kind="line", col_wrap=5, height=3, aspect=.75, linewidth=2.5, palette= "Set2", data=cluster_sns) def cluster_heatmap(clusterObj, scalelab="z-score", xlab="Total isoform usage across time", xticklabels =["E17-PN1", "PN1-PN10", "PN10-28","PN28-PN90"], z_score=None, standard_scale=None, cmap="coolwarm", save_path=None, cluster_label_space = 0.0001): """ Visualize all clusters in a heatmap. Parameters ----------- clusterObj clusterobj scalelab label for the scale xlab label for x-axis xticklabels label for x-ticks z_score : (default:None, 0, 1) visualize z_score value rowwise(0) or columnwise(1), cannot be used together with standard_scale standard_scale : (default:None, 0, 1) visualize standard_scale value rowwise(0) or columnwise(1), cannot be used together with z_score cmap : "coolwarm" colormap save_path file path for saving the figure. Return ------- Figure """ reorder=[] clusters=[] for u,v in clusterObj.index_clusters.items(): for i in v: clusters.append(u) reorder.append(i) pal = sns.color_palette("Set2", 100) rowc = dict(zip(list(clusterObj.index_clusters.keys()), pal)) rowcol = pd.Series(clusters, name='Clusters').map(rowc) rowcol.index = pd.DataFrame(clusterObj.DataSet.timeserieslist[0]).iloc[reorder,:].index if cmap != "coolwarm": colmap = sns.light_palette(cmap, as_cmap=True) else: colmap = cmap cl = sns.clustermap(pd.DataFrame(clusterObj.DataSet.timeserieslist[0]).iloc[reorder,:], standard_scale=standard_scale, z_score=z_score, cmap=colmap, row_cluster=False, col_cluster=False, yticklabels=False, row_colors=rowcol, xticklabels=xticklabels) cl.ax_heatmap.set(xlabel=xlab) ratios=0 for u,v in clusterObj.index_clusters.items(): ratios += len(v)*cluster_label_space cl.ax_row_dendrogram.annotate("Cluster "+str(u),(0.5,1-ratios)) plt.xlabel(scalelab) if save_path: plt.savefig(save_path) def vis_heatmap(list_genes, dataset, scalelab="z-score", xlab="Total isoform usage across time", xticklabels =None, z_score=None, standard_scale=None, cmap="coolwarm", save_path=None, cluster_label_space = 0.0001): """ Visualize all clusters in a heatmap. Parameters ----------- list_genes list of genes ID you want to visualize the expression value dataset a dataset object scalelab label for the scale xlab label for x-axis xticklabels label for x-ticks z_score : (default:None, 0, 1) visualize z_score value rowwise(0) or columnwise(1), cannot be used together with standard_scale standard_scale : (default:None, 0, 1) visualize standard_scale value rowwise(0) or columnwise(1), cannot be used together with z_score cmap : "coolwarm" colormap save_path file path for saving the figure. Return ------- Figure """ reorder=[] clusters=[] for u,v in clusterObj.index_clusters.items(): for i in v: clusters.append(u) reorder.append(i) pal = sns.color_palette("Set2", 100) rowc = dict(zip(list(clusterObj.index_clusters.keys()), pal)) rowcol = pd.Series(clusters, name='Clusters').map(rowc) rowcol.index = pd.DataFrame(clusterObj.DataSet.timeserieslist[0]).iloc[reorder,:].index targetset = dataset.timeserieslist[:,np.where(np.isin(dataset.gene_id, list_genes))[0],:] if cmap != "coolwarm": colmap = sns.light_palette(cmap, as_cmap=True) else: colmap = cmap cl = sns.clustermap(pd.DataFrame(dataset.timeserieslist[0]).iloc[reorder,:], standard_scale=standard_scale, z_score=z_score, cmap=colmap, row_cluster=False, col_cluster=False, yticklabels=False, row_colors=rowcol, xticklabels=xticklabels) cl.ax_heatmap.set(xlabel=xlab) ratios=0 for u,v in clusterObj.index_clusters.items(): ratios += len(v)*cluster_label_space cl.ax_row_dendrogram.annotate("Cluster "+str(u),(0.5,1-ratios)) plt.xlabel(scalelab) if save_path: plt.savefig(save_path) def compare_mod(mods , groups, group_type="clusters", figw=3, top=None, figh=None): def heatmap(x, y, size, color, figw, figh): fig,ax= plt.subplots(figsize=(figw,figh)) # Mapping from column names to integer coordinates x_labels = [v for v in x.unique()] y_labels = [v for v in y.unique()] x_to_num = {p[1]:p[0]+0.5 for p in enumerate(x_labels)} y_to_num = {p[1]:p[0]+0.5 for p in enumerate(y_labels)} size_scale = 50 ax.grid() #ax.hlines(, xmin=0,, color='black',linewidth=3, alpha =0.8) tpc=ax.scatter(, # Use mapping for x, # Use mapping for y s=size, # Vector of square sizes, proportional to size parameter marker='o',# Use square as scatterplot marker c=color, cmap='cividis' ) cbar = fig.colorbar(tpc) # Show column labels on the axes ax.set_xticks([x_to_num[v] for v in x_labels]) ax.set_xticklabels(x_labels, rotation=45, horizontalalignment='right') ax.set_yticks([y_to_num[v] for v in y_labels]) ax.set_yticklabels(y_labels) cbar.set_label("-log10(adjusted p-values)") plt.xlim([0,len(x.unique())]) df = pd.DataFrame() for e,i in enumerate(mods): if isinstance(i, dict): for uu,vv in i.items(): vv[0]=pd.DataFrame(vv[0]) vv[0]['group'] = f"cluster{groups[e]}_module{uu}" vv[0] = vv[0].sort_values(['Adjusted P-value']) if top is not None: df =pd.concat([df, vv[0].iloc[:top,:]]) else: df =pd.concat([df, vv[0]]) else: if len(i)>0: i[0]['group'] = f"{group_type}{groups[e]}" i[0]=pd.DataFrame(i[0]) i[0] = i[0].sort_values(['Adjusted P-value']) if top is not None: df =pd.concat([df, i[0].iloc[:top,:]]) else: df =pd.concat([df, i[0]]) #mod_d['group'] = 'TSIS iso' if df.shape[0] == 0: return None else: df = df[df['Adjusted P-value']<0.05].sort_values(['group','Adjusted P-value'], ascending=False) # if df.shape[0]>20: # df = df.iloc[:21,:] heatmap(x=df['group'], y=df['Term'], color=-np.log10(df['Adjusted P-value']), size=-np.log10(df['Adjusted P-value'])*50, figh=df.shape[0]/3, figw=figw) return df
[docs]def switch_plot(gene, DataSet, ascov, xaxis_label=None, all_isoforms=False, relative_abundance=False): """ Switching plot for isoforms / Expression plot for non-switched genes if the input gene is not isoform switched, the expression plot will be plotted. Parameters ---------- gene : str Input gene ID / symbs you would like to plot DataSet : DataSet obj ascov : DataFrame the result dataframe of your isoform switch detection xaxis_label : list x axis label for the plots """ try: entrezid = DataSet.gene_id[np.where(DataSet.symbs==gene)[0]] except: entrezid = DataSet.gene_id[np.where(DataSet.gene_id==gene)[0]] if str(entrezid[0]) in set(ascov['gene']) and all_isoforms==False: ncol = 4 nrow = 2 if len(entrezid) > 4 else len(entrezid) % 4 #fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrow, ncols=ncol) for axx, idx in enumerate(np.where(ascov['gene']==str(entrezid[0]))[0]): iso1 = ascov['major_transcript'].to_list()[idx] iso2 = ascov['minor_transcript'].to_list()[idx] iso1_id = np.where(DataSet.transcript_id == iso1)[0] iso2_id = np.where(DataSet.transcript_id == iso2)[0] if relative_abundance: val_name="relative abundance" iso_dict = DataSet.isoobj.normdf try: iso1_ts = pd.DataFrame(iso_dict[entrezid[0]]['normarr'][:,np.where(iso_dict[entrezid[0]]['indices']==iso1_id)[0][0],:]) iso2_ts = pd.DataFrame(iso_dict[entrezid[0]]['normarr'][:,np.where(iso_dict[entrezid[0]]['indices']==iso2_id)[0][0],:]) except: iso1_ts = pd.DataFrame(np.squeeze(iso_dict[entrezid[0]]['normarr'][:,np.where(iso_dict[entrezid[0]]['indices']==iso1_id)[0][0],:], axis=1)) iso2_ts = pd.DataFrame(np.squeeze(iso_dict[entrezid[0]]['normarr'][:,np.where(iso_dict[entrezid[0]]['indices']==iso2_id)[0][0],:], axis=1)) else: val_name="expression" try: iso1_ts = pd.DataFrame(np.squeeze(DataSet.timeserieslist[:,iso1_id,:], axis=1)) iso2_ts = pd.DataFrame(np.squeeze(DataSet.timeserieslist[:,iso2_id,:], axis=1)) except: iso1_ts = pd.DataFrame(DataSet.timeserieslist[:,iso1_id,:]) iso2_ts = pd.DataFrame(DataSet.timeserieslist[:,iso2_id,:]) iso1_ts = pd.melt(iso1_ts, value_vars=iso1_ts.columns, value_name=val_name, var_name="time point") iso2_ts = pd.melt(iso2_ts, value_vars=iso2_ts.columns, value_name=val_name, var_name="time point") iso1_ts['isoform'] = iso1 iso2_ts['isoform'] = iso2 isos = pd.concat([iso1_ts, iso2_ts], axis=0) g=sns.catplot(x="time point", y=val_name, hue="isoform", capsize=.2, kind="point", data=isos) plt.title(gene, fontsize=15) g.set_xticklabels(labels=xaxis_label, ha="right", fontsize=12) sns.catplot(x="time point", y=val_name, hue="isoform", kind="strip", data=isos) g.set_xticklabels(labels=xaxis_label, ha="right", fontsize=12) plt.title(gene, fontsize=15) else: entrezids = np.where(DataSet.gene_id==gene)[0] if len(entrezids) == 0: entrezids = np.where(DataSet.symbs==gene)[0] allts = [] if relative_abundance: iso_dict = DataSet.isoobj.normdf val_name = "relative abundance" try: iso_ts = pd.DataFrame(np.squeeze(iso_dict[entrezid[0]]['normarr'], axis=1)) except: iso_ts = iso_dict[entrezid[0]]['normarr'] for eachts in range(iso_ts.shape[1]): tmp_ts = pd.DataFrame(iso_ts[:,eachts,:]) tmp_ts = pd.melt(tmp_ts, value_vars=tmp_ts.columns, value_name=val_name, var_name="time point") tmp_ts['isoform'] = DataSet.transcript_id[iso_dict[entrezid[0]]['indices'][eachts]] allts.append(tmp_ts) else: val_name="expression" for idx in entrezids: try: iso_ts = pd.DataFrame(np.squeeze(DataSet.timeserieslist[:,idx,:], axis=1)) except: iso_ts = pd.DataFrame(DataSet.timeserieslist[:,idx,:]) iso_ts = pd.melt(iso_ts, value_vars=iso_ts.columns, value_name=val_name, var_name="time point") iso_ts['isoform'] = DataSet.transcript_id[idx] allts.append(iso_ts) isos = pd.concat(allts, axis=0) g=sns.catplot(x="time point", y=val_name, hue="isoform", capsize=.2, kind="point", data=isos) g.set_xticklabels(labels=xaxis_label, ha="right", fontsize=12) plt.title(gene, fontsize=15)
def expression_plot(gene, DataSet): entrezids = np.where(DataSet.gene_id==gene)[0] if len(entrezids) == 0: entrezids = np.where(DataSet.symbs==gene)[0] allts = [] for idx in entrezids: try: iso_ts = pd.DataFrame(np.squeeze(DataSet.timeserieslist[:,idx,:], axis=1)) except: iso_ts = pd.DataFrame(DataSet.timeserieslist[:,idx,:]) iso_ts = pd.melt(iso_ts, value_vars=iso_ts.columns, value_name="expression", var_name="time point") allts.append(iso_ts) isos = pd.concat(allts, axis=0) # sumisos = isos.groupby("time point").agg(sum) # sumisos = sumisos.reset_index() g= sns.catplot(x="time point", y= "expression", kind="point",data=isos) plt.title(gene, fontsize=15)
[docs]def gsea_plot(gsea_result, cluster, modules=None, nterms=None): """ Visualizing the functional enrichment Parameters ----------- gsea_result : dict the results of gsea cluster : str the cluster number you would like to visualize nterms : int (optional) if you would like to visualize only subset of terms e.g. the top 10 terms """ if modules is None: mod_cluster = gsea_result[cluster] else: mod_cluster = gsea_result[cluster][modules] if isinstance(mod_cluster, dict): subset = pd.DataFrame(mod_cluster[0]) else: if mod_cluster[0].shape[0]>0: subset = pd.DataFrame(mod_cluster[0]) subset = subset.sort_values(['adj_pval']) else: print("This gsea has no result.") if nterms: subset = subset.head(nterms) plt.figure(figsize=(subset.shape[0],12)) subset['-log10(adjusted p-value)'] = -np.log10(subset['adj_pval']) sns.barplot(y="Term", x="-log10(adjusted p-value)", data=subset, color="salmon") if modules is not None: plt.title(f"Cluster {cluster} Module {modules}") else: plt.title(f"Cluster {cluster}")
[docs]def vis_modules(mods, dataset, cluster, size=5, outputpng=None): """ Visualize all modules from one cluster in one figure. Parameters: ------------ mods: modules result dataset: spycone dataset object cluster: cluster number to visualize size: minimum number of nodes in one module outputpng: file path to save the figure (png) """ if hasattr(dataset, "isoobj"): ascov = dataset.isoobj.is_result else: ascov = pd.DataFrame({'gene':dataset.clusterobj.genelist_clusters[cluster]}) mapping = dict(zip(dataset.gene_id,dataset.symbs)) def _map_color(x): xx = str(x).split("/")[0] if xx in set(ascov['gene'].tolist()): try: domains = np.unique(reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, ascov[ascov['gene_symb']==xx]['exclusive_domains'].tolist())) except: domains = [] if len(domains)>0: return "#e06666" #pink IS with functional switch else: return "#fff2cc" ##yellow without functional switch else: return "#b4f7fe" ##green #interactors def _map_entrez2symb(x): xx=x.split("/") if xx[0] in mapping.keys(): symb = mapping[xx[0]] else: symb = x if len(xx)>1: return symb+"/"+xx[1] else: return symb v = mods[cluster] nmod = np.sum([True if len(eachmod.nodes) > size else False for eachmod in v[0]])#check the how many modules bigger than the threshold size nrow = (nmod//3)+1 if nmod/3 - nmod//3 > 0 else nmod//3 h=nrow*5 if nrow==0: nrow=1 h=10 elif nrow==1: nrow=2 h=nrow*5 fig, ax=plt.subplots(nrow, 3, figsize=(h,h)) if len(ax.shape)==2: for e,G in enumerate(zip(v[0], [x for vv in ax for x in vv])): if len(G[0].nodes)>size: colors = list(map(_map_color, G[0].nodes)) nx.draw(G[0], with_labels=True, labels = dict(zip(G[0].nodes, list(map(_map_entrez2symb, G[0].nodes)))), node_color=colors, node_size=300, font_size=10, ax=G[1]) # nt.from_nx(G) #'nx.html') G[1].set_title(f"cluster {cluster} module {e} : q-val: {v[1][e]}") if outputpng: plt.savefig(f"{outputpng}/modules_clu{cluster}.png", dpi=200, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() else: plt.axis('off') else: for e, G in enumerate(zip(v[0], [x for x in ax])): colors = list(map(_map_color, G[0].nodes)) nx.draw(G[0], with_labels=True, labels = dict(zip(G[0].nodes, list(map(_map_entrez2symb, G[0].nodes)))), node_color=colors, node_size=300, font_size=10, ax=G[1]) G[1].set_title(f"cluster {cluster} module {e}") if outputpng: plt.savefig(f"{outputpng}/modules_clu{cluster}.png", dpi=200, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() else: plt.axis('off')
def _make_dot(edges, mapping, ascov, html, related_genes): isgene = ascov['gene'].unique() nxnet = nx.Graph(list(edges.edges)) nxdot = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.to_pydot(nxnet) infile = open(os.path.join(dir_path, "./data/network/"),'rb') jointgraph = pickle.load(infile) def map_entrez2symb(x): if int(x) in mapping.keys(): symb = mapping[int(x)] else: symb = x return symb mapper = list(map(map_entrez2symb, nxnet.nodes)) allnodes = [nxdot.get_nodes()[x].get_name() for x in range(len(nxdot.get_nodes()))] for e,n in enumerate(allnodes): nxdot.get_node(n)[0].obj_dict['attributes']['label'] = mapper[e] if mapper[e] in set(related_genes): nxdot.get_node(n)[0].obj_dict['attributes']['color']="#01aeb2" nxdot.get_node(n)[0].obj_dict['attributes']['penwidth']=5 nxdot.get_node(n)[0].obj_dict['attributes']['style'] = "filled" nxdot.get_node(n)[0].obj_dict['attributes']['fontname'] = "verdana" if str(n) in set(isgene): nxdot.get_node(n)[0].obj_dict['attributes']['fillcolor'] = "#CFA3EA" else: nxdot.get_node(n)[0].obj_dict['attributes']['fillcolor'] = "#FBA27B" ##check if interaction is affected alledges = [nxdot.get_edges()[x].obj_dict['points'] for x in range(len(nxdot.get_edges()))] for e, edge in enumerate(alledges): no1 = edge[0] no2 = edge[1] domain1 = ascov[ascov['gene']==no1][['exclusive_domains']].explode('exclusive_domains').exclusive_domains.unique() domain2 = ascov[ascov['gene']==no2][['exclusive_domains']].explode('exclusive_domains').exclusive_domains.unique() style="" if domain1.shape[0]>0: for do in domain1: try: checknode = str(no1)+"/"+do for jointedge in jointgraph.edges: if jointedge[0] == checknode and str(no2) in jointedge[1]: style="dashed" if jointedge[1] == checknode and str(no2) in jointedge[0]: style="dashed" except: continue if domain2.shape[0]>0: for do in domain2: try: checknode = str(no2)+"/"+do for jointedge in jointgraph.edges: if jointedge[0] == checknode and str(no1) in jointedge[1]: style="dashed" if jointedge[1] == checknode and str(no1) in jointedge[0]: style="dashed" except: continue nxdot.get_edges()[e].obj_dict['attributes']['style'] = style nxdot.get_edges()[e].obj_dict['attributes']['penwidth'] = 3 return(nxdot) # nt = Network(height="1000px", width="1000px", notebook=True) # nt.from_nx(nxnet) # nt.options.edges.color.inherit = False # nt.options.groups = """{ # 2: {color:{background:'green'}}, # 1: {color:{background:'yellow'}}, # 0: {color:{background:'lightblue'}} # }""" # nt.show_buttons() #
[docs]def vis_better_modules(dataset, mod, cluster, dir, related_genes=set(), module=None): """ Visualize modules with pydot in SVG format. Parameters ------------ dataset : dataset obj mod : DOMINO results cluster : Cluster number to visualize dir : Local directory to save the images related_genes : (Optional) Set of genes to change the color of the nodes (color of the node outer border) """ ascov1 = dataset.isoobj.is_result #ascov1['gene'] = list(map(str, list(map(lambda x: int(x) if not np.isnan(x) else x, ascov1['gene'])))) mapping = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(dir_path, "data/entrez2symb.pkl", "rb"))) if module: edges = mod[cluster][0][module] nxdot = _make_dot(edges, mapping, ascov1, f"{dir}modules/c{cluster}m{module}.html", related_genes) nx.drawing.nx_pydot.to_pydot(nxdot, f"{dir}/modules/c{cluster}m{module}.dot") else: mods = mod[cluster][0] for e,v in enumerate(mods): if len(v.nodes)>4: nxdot=_make_dot(v, mapping, ascov1, f"{dir}modules/c{cluster}m{e}.html", related_genes) nxdot.obj_dict['attributes']['label'] = f"Cluster {cluster} Module {e+1}: \n adjusted p-val: {mod[cluster][1][e]:.2E}" nxdot.obj_dict['attributes']['fontsize'] = 17 nxdot.obj_dict['attributes']['fontname'] = "verdana" nxdot.write_svg(f"{dir}/modules/c{cluster}m{e+1}.svg")