Source code for spycone.run_domino

import networkx as nx
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from scipy.stats import chi2
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from functools import reduce

from .DOMINO.src.core import domino
from .DOMINO.src.core import preprocess_slices as sl
from .clustering import clustering

dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

def _combine_pvals(pvals):
        chisqprob = lambda chisq, df: chi2.sf(chisq, df)
        s = -2 * np.sum(np.log(pvals))
        return chisqprob(s, 2 * len(pvals))

def _check_nodes(target, network_file):
    if type(network_file)==str:
        G = nx.read_edgelist(network_file)
        G = network_file.networkz
    checkedtarget = []
    for i in target:
        if i in set(G.nodes):

    return checkedtarget

def _affected_domains(targets, ascov):
    # #get genes switching events

    for g in ascov.iterrows():
        for domain in g[1]['exclusive_domains']:
            tmp = str(g[1]['gene']+"/"+str(domain))
    return DDInodes
[docs]def run_domain_domino(target, is_results, name=None, scores = None, network_file = os.path.join(dir_path,"data/network/"), output_file_path = "slices.txt", run_cluster=None, slice_threshold=0.3, module_threshold=0.05, prize_factor = 0, n_steps=20): ''' Parameters ----------- target : clustering object from spycone or gene list in entrez ID is_results : DataFrame Data Frame of isoform switch detection result scores : None activity scores of the genes (e.g. p-values from differential expression analysis) run_cluster : Specify the cluster name if you only want to run a specific cluster Network file : str default: "data/network/" output file path default: output slices file for DOMINO. slice_threshold : float module_threshold : float prize_factor : float n_steps : int ''' if name is None: name="a" if is_results is not None: genescores = defaultdict(list) for i in range(is_results.shape[0]): genescores[is_results.gene.tolist()[i]].append(is_results.adj_pval.tolist()[i]) for u,v in genescores.items(): if len(v)>1: genescores[u] = _combine_pvals(v) else: genescores[u] = v[0] else: genescores = None sl.create_slices(network_file, output_file_path) if isinstance(target, list): ##check list DDInodes = _affected_domains(list(map(str,target)), is_results) checkedtarget = _check_nodes(DDInodes, network_file) ##TODO scores ## clusterobj can also be list a = defaultdict(list) tmp, scores = domino.main(DDInodes, network_file, slices_file=output_file_path, slice_threshold=slice_threshold, module_threshold=module_threshold, prize_factor=prize_factor, n_steps=n_steps) a[name].append(tmp) a[name].append(scores) return a elif isinstance(target, clustering) and run_cluster is not None: a = defaultdict(list) gene_list = [] for cc in run_cluster: gene_list.append(target.genelist_clusters[cc]) gene_list = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, gene_list) checkedtarget = _check_nodes(list(map(str,gene_list)), network_file) DDInodes = _affected_domains(checkedtarget, is_results) ##get affected domains tmp, scores = domino.main(DDInodes, network_file, slices_file=output_file_path, slice_threshold=slice_threshold, module_threshold=module_threshold, prize_factor=prize_factor, n_steps=n_steps) a[','.join(map(str,run_cluster))].append(tmp) a[','.join(map(str,run_cluster))].append(scores) return a else: a=defaultdict(list) for u,v in target.genelist_clusters.items(): #scoresdf.to_csv("/nfs/home/students/chit/lrz_ticone/domino_emp/{}_cluster{}_mod.csv".format(name, u), index=False) ### checkedtarget = _check_nodes(list(map(str,v)), network_file) DDInodes = _affected_domains(checkedtarget, is_results) scores = [] for gene in DDInodes: if genescores is not None: if gene in genescores.keys(): scores.append(genescores[gene]) else: scores.append(1) else: scores.append(1) ##fornow emp scoresdf = pd.DataFrame(index=list(map(str,v)), dtype=str) ## ##TODO scores ddimod, scores=domino.main(DDInodes, network_file=network_file, slices_file=output_file_path, slice_threshold=slice_threshold, module_threshold=module_threshold, prize_factor=prize_factor, n_steps=n_steps) a[u].append(ddimod) a[u].append(scores) print("---------Network enrichment Result---------\n") for u,v in a.items(): for e, vv in enumerate(v[0]): print(f"Cluster {u} Module {e} has {len(vv)} nodes.") print("-----END-----") return a
[docs]def run_domino(target, name=None, is_results=None, scores = None, network_file = os.path.join(dir_path,"data/network/"), output_file_path = "./slices/slices.txt", run_cluster=None, slice_threshold=0.3, module_threshold=0.05, prize_factor = 0, n_steps=20): ''' Parameters ----------- target : clustering object from spycone or gene list in entrez ID is_results : DataFrame Data Frame of isoform switch detection result scores : None activity scores of the genes (e.g. p-values from differential expression analysis) run_cluster : Specify the cluster name if you only want to run a specific cluster Network file : str default: "data/network/" output file path default: output slices file for DOMINO. slice_threshold : float module_threshold : float prize_factor : float n_steps : int ''' print("start running DOMINO...") if name is None: name="a" if is_results is not None: genescores = defaultdict(list) for i in range(is_results.shape[0]): genescores[is_results['gene_symb'].tolist()[i]].append(is_results.adj_pval.tolist()[i]) for u,v in genescores.items(): if len(v)>1: genescores[u] = _combine_pvals(v) else: genescores[u] = v[0] else: genescores = None sl.create_slices(network_file, output_file_path) # if isinstance(target, list): # ##check list # checkedtarget = _check_nodes(list(map(str,target)), network_file) # ## clusterobj can also be list # a = defaultdict(list) # tmp, scores = domino.main(list(map(str,checkedtarget)), network_file, slices_file=output_file_path, slice_threshold=slice_threshold, module_threshold=module_threshold, prize_factor=prize_factor, n_steps=n_steps) # a[name].append(tmp) # a[name].append(scores) # return a # elif isinstance(target, clustering) and run_cluster is not None: # a = defaultdict(list) # gene_list = [] # for cc in run_cluster: # gene_list.append(target.genelist_clusters[cc]) # gene_list = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, gene_list) # checkedtarget = _check_nodes(list(map(str,gene_list)), network_file) # tmp, scores = domino.main(list(map(str, checkedtarget)), network_file, scores=scores, slices_file=output_file_path, slice_threshold=slice_threshold, module_threshold=module_threshold, prize_factor=prize_factor, n_steps=n_steps) # a[','.join(map(str,run_cluster))].append(tmp) # a[','.join(map(str,run_cluster))].append(scores) # return a # else: a=defaultdict(list) for u,v in target.genelist_clusters.items(): scores = [] for gene in target.symbs_clusters[u]: if genescores is not None: if gene in genescores.keys(): scores.append(genescores[gene]) else: scores.append(1) else: scores.append(1) ##fornow emp ##TODO scores #scoresdf.to_csv("/nfs/home/students/chit/lrz_ticone/domino_emp/{}_cluster{}_mod.csv".format(name, u), index=False) ### checkedtarget = _check_nodes(list(map(str,v)), network_file) tmp, scores = domino.main(list(map(str,checkedtarget)), network_file, slices_file=output_file_path, slice_threshold=slice_threshold, module_threshold=module_threshold, prize_factor=prize_factor, n_steps=n_steps) a[u].append(tmp) a[u].append(scores) print("---------Network enrichment Result---------\n") for u,v in a.items(): #for e, vv in enumerate(v[0]): print(f"Cluster {u} found {len(v[0])} module(s).") print("-----END-----") return a