Source code for spycone.DataSet

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict
import os 
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
from ._preprocessing._discretization import discretization_with_steps, discretize_timeseries, discretize_replicates

def _map_to_gene_name(keys, keytype, species, transid_type = None):
    keymap = {'entrezgeneid': 'NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) ID', 'ensemblgeneid': 'Gene stable ID', 'ensembltransid' : 'Transcript stable ID', 'ensembltransidver': "Transcript stable ID version"}
    ann = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dir_path, "data/annotation/{}_ann.csv".format(species)), index_col=keymap[keytype], dtype=str)
    ann.index = list(map(str, list(map(lambda x: int(x) if not np.isnan(x) else x, ann.index))))
    ann_dict = ann.to_dict()
    symbs = []
    for k in keys:
            symbs.append(ann_dict['Gene name'][str(k)])

    return symbs

def _map_trans_to_gene(keys, keytype, species, transid_type = None):
    keymap = {'entrezgeneid': 'NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) ID', 'ensemblgeneid': 'Gene stable ID', 'ensembltransid' : 'Transcript stable ID', 'ensembltransidver': "Transcript stable ID version"}
    ann = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dir_path, "data/annotation/{}_ann.csv".format(species)), index_col=keymap[transid_type], dtype=str)
    ann_dict = ann.to_dict()

    a = []
    for k in keys:

    return a

##dataset and settings
[docs]class dataset(): """ Input dataset. Parameters ---------- ts matrix or dataframe of the time series dataset. gene_id list of gene id. (id that matched the biological network, default network : entrez ID). If gene_id is not given, entrez gene id will be mapped. transcript_id list of transcript id if the expression matrix is in transcript-level. keytype type of ID in gene list ('entrezgeneid', 'ensemblgeneid'). If only transcript ID is given, this serves as the keytype that will be mapped to gene_id. species Specifying species ID for annotation (human : 9606, mouse: 10090) reps1 number of replicates timepts number of time points gtf : (optional) provide corresponding gtf file for mapping gene names symbs : (optional) list of gene symbols or gene names (can be automatically mapped for human and mouse) discretization_steps : (optional) discretize the expression matrix according to the number of steps given Attributes ----------- timeserieslist automatically generated 3D-array for analysis Methods ---------- __copy__ copy function for the dataset object remove_objects remove the given index of the object """ SPECIES = [9606, 10090] KEYTYPE = ['entrezgeneid', 'ensemblgeneid', 'ensembltransid', 'ensembltransidver'] def __init__( self, ts, species, keytype, reps1, timepts, gtf=None, gene_id=None, transcript_id = None, timeserieslist = None, symbs = None, discretization_steps = None): """ ts : matrix of the time series data. gene_list : list of the gene id reps1 : Number of replicates for ts. timepts : Number of time points. """ self.ts = [ts] self.reps1 = reps1 self.gene_id = gene_id self.species=species self.keytype=keytype self.timepts = timepts self.timeserieslist = [] self.symbs = symbs self.transcript_id = transcript_id self.discretization_steps = discretization_steps # if not isinstance(self.reps1, list): # self.reps1 = [self.reps1] #check attributes if not hasattr(self.ts, "shape"): self.ts[0] = np.array(self.ts[0], dtype="double") if self.timepts*self.reps1 != self.ts[0].shape[1]: raise ValueError("Number of columns is not the same as number of time points.") if self.species not in self.SPECIES: raise ValueError("Please provide a supported species ID.") if self.keytype not in self.KEYTYPE: raise ValueError("Please provide a supported key type.") ######gene list check if self.gene_id is None and self.transcript_id is None: raise ValueError("Please provide at least gene ID or transcript ID.") TRANS_ID_TYPE = None if self.transcript_id is not None: if "." in self.transcript_id[0]: TRANS_ID_TYPE = "ensembltransidver" else: TRANS_ID_TYPE = "ensembltransid" if self.transcript_id is not None and self.gene_id is None: self.gene_id = _map_trans_to_gene(self.transcript_id, self.keytype, self.species, transid_type=TRANS_ID_TYPE) if self.symbs is None: self.symbs = _map_to_gene_name(self.gene_id, self.keytype, self.species, transid_type=TRANS_ID_TYPE) if not isinstance(self.gene_id, list): self.gene_id = [str(x) for x in self.gene_id] if not isinstance(self.symbs, (np.ndarray)): self.symbs = np.array(self.symbs) # if (self.ts[0].shape[0] != self.gene_list[0] | self.gene_list[0] != self.symbs1[0]).any(): # raise ValueError("Input length do not match.") if pd.isna((np.array(self.gene_id))).all(): raise ValueError("The gene ID list contains NaN values.") if pd.isna(self.ts).all(): raise ValueError("The count matrix contains NaN values.") tmp = [] if self.reps1 > 1: tp = self.timepts ts = self.ts[0] rep = int(self.reps1) for r in range(rep): start=tp*r end = start+tp tmp.append(ts[:,start:end]) self.timeserieslist = np.array(tmp, dtype="double") else: self.timeserieslist = np.expand_dims(ts, axis=0) ##discretization if self.discretization_steps is not None: data_min = np.min(self.timeserieslist) data_max = np.max(self.timeserieslist) neg = self.discretization_steps[0] pos = self.discretization_steps[1] discretizeprototype = discretization_with_steps(data_min, data_max, neg, pos) for i in range(self.timeserieslist.shape[1]): tmp_ts = self.timeserieslist[:,i,:] discretizepattern = discretize_replicates(tmp_ts, discretizeprototype) self.timeserieslist[:,i,:] = tmp_ts if self.transcript_id is not None: self._get_gene_level() @property def shape(self): return self.timeserieslist.shape
[docs] def __copy__(self): return DataSet(ts=self.ts[0], gene_id=self.gene_id, reps1=self.reps1, timepts=self.timepts, species=self.species, keytype=self.keytype, transcript_id=self.transcript_id, timeserieslist=self.timeserieslist, symbs=self.symbs)
def _get_gene_level(self): genes = defaultdict(list) for a in range(len(self.gene_id)): genes[self.gene_id[a]].append(a) self.genelevel_expression = np.empty(shape=(self.reps1,0,self.timepts)) self.genelevel_id = [] self.genelevel_symb = [] for u,v in genes.items(): tmp = np.expand_dims(np.sum(self.timeserieslist[:,v,:], axis=1),axis=1) self.genelevel_expression = np.concatenate([self.genelevel_expression, tmp], axis=1) self.genelevel_id.append(u) self.genelevel_symb.append(self.symbs[v[0]]) def _remove_objects(self, objects_to_remove): if not isinstance(objects_to_remove, list): objects_to_remove = list(objects_to_remove) #remove objects from entries if self.transcript_id is not None: self.transcript_id = np.delete(np.array(self.transcript_id), objects_to_remove) self.ts[0] = np.delete(np.array(self.ts[0]), objects_to_remove, axis=0) tmp_genelist = np.delete(np.array(self.gene_id), objects_to_remove) self.gene_id = tmp_genelist tmp_symbs = np.delete(np.array(self.symbs), objects_to_remove) self.symbs = tmp_symbs tmp_timeseries_id = np.delete(np.arange(np.array(self.timeserieslist).shape[1]), objects_to_remove, axis=0) tmp_timeseries = [[self.timeserieslist[x][y] for y in tmp_timeseries_id] for x in range(np.array(self.timeserieslist).shape[0])] self.timeserieslist = np.array(tmp_timeseries, dtype="double") #recalculate gene level expression self._get_gene_level() def _add_clustering_object(self, clusterobj): self.clusterobj = clusterobj def _add_iso_switch_obj(self, isoobj): self.isoobj = isoobj